Wednesday, November 18, 2009

18th November 09

At this point of my life, i began to ask myself why am i such an idiot clindging on in a relationship where im a 3rd party?Folishness and blindness gets a better of me and i did learn that how much i hurt the others-you knw what i mean. When u move on, things change and you will tend 2 meet someone new in your life. Friends you can make and they will become more worthwhile if they are true! Life moves on without my best friends as things get more and more awkward between us.Lets put it this way, we doubt each other.

The miracle thing about changing is that once there are new people surrounding you, you tend to see things in a different perspective. They teach you things that you migt not even thought of indirectly. Meeting new people gives u fresh minds and more ideas. Throughout that process, you might met someone who is relatively close to you in a way. You felt very comfortable being with this person and it's ;like the both of you can talk for ages. I really would like to knw more about her things and listen to her the whole day. When I woke up, she is the only thing on my mind. Don't really know whether this is really the feeling and the person im lookIng for but i wrote a poem for her. Anyone reads it jx leave a comment. Its not really good so dont laugh...

Thou shall not be afraid
For what thee should say
Do not shy away
For my presence sake
Let thee be the one to say
How lovely thou are today
Neverending smiles to they
Kindness and generosity
Thou shall not fade
Making thee fond to
From that day.

Monday, February 9, 2009

I need to know

What he heck am i doing? What time isit? Y am i not in bed when i shud be and my class is 8am 2mr? Y do i still wait for him even if he knows that im waiting and doesnt care? Y? Tell me y am i doing all this to hurt myself?I felt so so so so so so so stupid rite now.....I cant even think properly. Why should i love this person if he doesnt love me? What am i holding on to?The sweet memories>?I know better im not gonna get it back from him...But y?darn man...even i cant think properly...